But the Lord said to her, “My dear Martha, you are worried and upset over all these details! There is only one thing worth being concerned about.” Luke 10:41-42
Worried and upset over all these details. That’s me.
Jesus last night a wave of that stuff flooded me. I was worried. I was upset. I was over my head in all the details.
My first reaction was to take a breath and get control. I wanted to be in charge of the details. I girded up and did what I do. I devised plans A, B and C. I was concerned with control. I wasn’t concerned with the one thing that is worth being concerned over.
I hear you say, “My dear Serena, you are worried and upset over all these details! There is only one thing worth being concerned about.”
I know Lord! I know that one thing is you. I know that my when my eyes move off of you that is when I waver. I want my eyes fixed on you today. I want my heart to be concerned with only you. No matter what stuff gets thrown at me today I want to resign my worry. I want to quit being upset. I want to give you control of the details. I know from experience it is so much better that way.
So here we go! It’s a new day. It is a rewind redo day and I’m doing it with you in charge.
I love you!
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