Be Strong and Show Yourself a Man. 1 Kings 2:2
Men, we need you. We need you to be strong and show yourself to be men. Not men of the world but men of God. We don’t need any more empty promises. We need your commitment and integrity. We don’t need fearful steps that lack commitment. We need your blood. We need your sweat. We need to know you will die for the cause.
We don’t need your sexual impulse to be your motivation. We need you to honor God with your self-control and purity of eyes, hands and heart. We need your commitment to holiness, whatever the cost.
We don’t need you to walk in prideful self-reliance. We need you to walk in faith. We need to know that God is your passion and our best interest is your hearts desire.
We need you to be willing to slay our demons. We need you to have tenderness in your touch and compassion in your voice. We need you. We need you to lead our families. We need you to lead our communities. We need you to lead our churches.
In the moments of my son’s death, and the days to follow, the men of God that rose up to offer their strength provided me a safe place to fall. They are men I count as brothers and friends. I found myself surrendered to their leadership and their watchful protection. I needed them. My husband needed them.
Today, as I continue to grieve, as I raise my children, and minister where God asks me to, I need my husband. I need him to keep fulfilling all that God has purposed him to be. I need to fall back and trust his leadership, his plans and the path he leads our family in. I need him.
I need the men of our church who have committed their lives to Jesus and resigned their old life of sin. I need them to keep speaking truth and impacting our fellowship with their zeal and passion for God.
Now, I pray for more men to stand. I pray for more men to offer their strength. Offer your purpose to us. We need the real men to please stand up!
Be Strong and show yourself a man. Keep the charge of the Lord your God, to walk in His ways, to keep His statutes, His commandments, His ordinances, and His testimonies, according to what is written in the Law of Moses, that you may succeed in all that you do and wherever you turn, so that the Lord may carry out His promise… 1 Kings 2:3-4
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