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Mom Hacks
I hate them. That’s it. I said it.
I have been liberated by something totally amazing that I have to shout from the rooftop… or type from my desk… whatever! It set me free and I hope it sets you free.
You don’t have to be a clever mom.
You don’t have to be a crafty mom.
You don’t have to be a creative mom.
Some days it is totally OK to revel in the fact that you didn’t lose, maim or mortally wound one of your little dream cakes.
This is the kind of stuff that happens at my house.
How in the world could I be crafty when I am just trying to keep kids from flushing pull-ups and pajamas down the toilet?
I know, I know you feel like a loser when you pick your kid up from a birthday party that looks like Oprah did the party planning. And this time of year it is easy to fall into the mom-fail trap when you see other kid’s Trick or Treat costumes that look like their parents are going for the Oscar in costume design. And forget Christmas (not the Jesus part), just the shopping, the decorating and the cooking parts.
If you love that stuff, keep loving it. But if you are like me and you hate it, it’s ok. Today is about giving yourself permission to keep on hating them. And know this, you are not a bad mom for it!
Tuesday I threw a birthday party for my baby. The menu: several trays of Stouffer’s Lasagna and a Spring Mix tub of lettuce from Sam’s Club.
The decorations are in the picture. The flowers for the center piece were a gift. The cupcakes were from Wal-Mart. The candle was used at 2 previous birthday parties. The lace on the table was a thrift store find that I used for a wedding last year.
And guess what? We celebrated. We had fun. Our Tiah felted loved.
Isn’t that what really matters anyway?
Let all that you do be done in love. 1 Cor. 16:14
Oh, and one more thing. Just tonight I got out the box of costumes we have collected over the years and told the kids to pick one for tomorrow.