The Bible really isn’t as mysterious as some people would like you to think. There are pastors, preachers and even churches that leave people believing that you need them to really understand what the Bible means.
You may even feel intimated by the book. It’s big. It’s long. It has weird names it. I get it. But I also get that this book contains the words of life. It contains the message that will lead you back where you belong- with your Creator.
So what’s stopping you? You can start today. In fact you can start right now! If you are still nervous click Overcoming Barriers To Bible Study.
So why does it matter?
It matters because there is a God. It matters because he took about 1,500 years to write a message to you. It matters because you will be held accountable to that God even if you don’t read the message.
He will come with his mighty angels, in flaming fire, bringing judgment on those who don’t know God and on those who refuse to obey the Good News of our Lord Jesus. 1 Thes. 1:7-8
It matters because it can answer just about every question we have.
Why are there so many churches? How can you tell which one is right? Should I go to a church with a lady preacher? Can I go to a church that doesn’t take the Lord’s Supper?
Don’t ask preachers or lady bloggers. Ask the book. In this era of Bible Gateway and Open Bible you can find out what the bible says quicker than you can read this post.
Try it! I dare you.
There are a lot of ideas out there of what “church” is. There’s also a lot of wrong ideas being perpetuated by churches. Did you know that the New Testament never says that providing a worship service is a work of the church? How about meeting house to house and having daily fellowship? Did you you know that the character of the New Testament church is full of that stuff?
You want to know what church should be like? Get into the book!
Can I marry a divorced person? Should we allow gay marriage? Can Christians live together before they get married? Should I drink alcohol? Can I smoke pot?
There are so many cultural and moral issues that are changing right before our eyes. It is easy to get caught up in the societal wave of popular belief but don’t. Don’t let the masses dictate your beliefs. Let God.
Boundary issues with your parents? Disobedient kids? Husband who won’t work? Wife who won’t clean? The Bible has something to say about all these things!
Your Future
Have you ever felt like you don’t know why you are here? Wonder where you are going? If you want to know where you are going you have to find out where you came from. The Bible will tell you both.
Such things were written in the Scriptures long ago to teach us. And the Scriptures give us hope and encouragement as we wait patiently for God’s promises to be fulfilled. Rom. 15:4