Oh my goodness I get it. I get it girls. You have been manhandled by children all day. You have given yourself to volunteering, employment and errands. You have dirty dishes in the sink and no clean clothes to wear tomorrow. You just want to crash in bed and be left alone. But you look over at your husband and you know that isn’t how this night is going to end. He wants sex.
So what do you do?
Do you fake bowel crushing stomach pains? Do you ignore him and pretend you can’t feel his stare burning through your clothes? Or just roll over fake it?
Well… here’s some help for us ladies when sex is the last thing you want to do.
This is your 911 call. You need emergency help so call the Author of love, marriage and sex to light your passion. He is a total supporter of hot romance. He came up with the whole “one flesh” thing way back in Genesis. He’s got your back.
Set Limits
We are so busy with endless work. But ladies, it is time for us to work to be less busy. We have to stop running ourselves ragged to the detriment of our marriage. We feed babies, teenagers and dogs. It’s time to feed our marriage.
Nurture Yourself
Set a bed time. Not just for kids but for yourself. Set a time that the work shuts off and replenishing begins. Take time to refill your tank emotionally and spiritually.
Be Sexual
You are a woman. Be a woman.
Before you were a mother, head of the PTA or the shift manager, you were a woman. Rediscover what that means.
How beautiful you are and how pleasing,
my love, with your delights!
Your stature is like that of the palm,
and your breasts like clusters of fruit.
I said, “I will climb the palm tree;
I will take hold of its fruit.”
May your breasts be like clusters of grapes on the vine,
the fragrance of your breath like apples,
and your mouth like the best wine.
Song of Solomon 7:6-9