What you do to serve God is always important.
But it seems the greater the scope of your influence, the greater the importance is of how you serve. I think that’s why James warns people to count the cost before becoming a teacher. When you teach, eyes are on you. You will get judged. That judgement is going to be strict from people and, I believe, from God James 3:1.
That is one of the most immediate thoughts I had the night Azaiah died. I knew people were watching. Whatever I said or did in the next moments, days and weeks would preach the lesson of my life.
Jesus gave me center stage that night. It was my moment. I knew I better bring him the most, the fullest and the wildest glory that I could. He was my Savior and I wanted the world to know it.
That’s why I wish I could get this message to Sadie and to her parents. Their center stage really is center stage. Their audience is epic. And the sermon they are preaching… well… it breaks my heart.
Tonight I decided to YouTube clips of Sadie’s dancing on the ever popular, even among Christians, show, Dancing With the Stars. It made me very sad. It made me sad because here is a family of Christ who has decided that the best use of their platform is to put their 17 year-old daughter on a worldly television show with nakedness, vanity and immorality that is glorified and in the meantime Jesus is watching, waiting to be glorified.
Dear Ones,
I have stood at the gateway of death. I have passed a child into the next life. This life is uncertain. Our time is uncertain. And our eternity may be just a moment away. Because of that, I feel an urgency to tell you:
Resist the world
“Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.” Rom. 12:2
We are called to be a peculiar people. Be peculiar. Be different.
Don’t Sell Out
“Daniel was determined not to defile himself.” Daniel 1:8
Daniel was a teenager given preferred status in the palace of the most powerful King in the known world. And this kid was determined to stay clean. He didn’t want to get entangled with the ways of the world and he set his heart successfully to that mission.
Its Ok to Be an Outcast
“And all nations will hate you because you are my followers. But everyone who endures to the end will be saved.” Mt. 10:22
It is OK to not fit in. It is OK to get made fun off for dressing modestly. It is OK for the world to hate you. Don’t give up.
Adults Still Lust Over Kids
“Joseph was a very handsome and well-built young man, and Potiphar’s wife soon began to look at him lustfully.” Gen. 39:6-7
Oh child, I showed my husband about 15 seconds of one of your dances. I wanted his perspective as a father, as a Christian, as a man. He said “provocative.”
Sweet girl, there are men that are dripping with lust from your dress and the dance moves. Your shorts are short. Your legs are open. And your hips say “sex.” There are men who are more tempted by you because of your youth and your innocence. There are sexually deviant men who will fantasize about robbing you, a lily-white Christian girl, of your virginity.
Hypocrisy is Hideous
“If you respect your body enough to put modest clothes on, then more people will respect you as a person.”- Sadie Robertson
This teaching was true. It was biblical. And it was right. Read full article here.
You are a beautiful and precious young woman. But hypocrisy is not beautiful. Don’t let your convictions be mocked or eroded by the world. Let “strength and dignity [be your] clothing” Proverbs 31:25.
Let God Define Your Beauty
“Don’t be concerned about the outward beauty of fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry, or beautiful clothes. You should clothe yourselves instead with the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God. This is how the holy women of old made themselves beautiful. They put their trust in God.” 1 Pet. 3:3-5
Glorify the King
God has opened a door wide for his name to become famous through you. Win the world through your chaste and respectful behavior.
“Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous works among all the peoples!” Psalm 96:3