If you help the poor, you are lending to the Lord— and he will repay you! Prov. 19:17
Today I need to share something with all of you that is weighing on my heart.
Several months ago, the Lord opened a door for my husband and I to become involved in a local ministry for homeless women called Daughters of Ruth. This organization isn’t just about getting women off the street. It is about giving them the hope of an abundant life through Jesus. The Lord compelled us to get on board.
This led to another woman and I going into the shelter on a weekly basis to offer spiritual encouragement and life skills training. We have loved every minute of sharing, praying and crying that goes on with these women.
Well, last week, the board had to make a tough decision. The doors of this shelter are going to have to close temporarily because the resources are simply not there to keep operating. During the next couple of months we are praying for God to come in and transform this ministry into everything He has planned and purposed it to be so that more women and children can be reached.
With that, I want you to consider something prayerfully today. What are you doing to help the poor? The word of God says, “If you help the poor, you are lending to the Lord- and he will prepay you.” Do you believe it? Do you want to be part of this kind of work? Maybe today the Lord is calling you to partner with the Daughters of Ruth ministry. You may be asking, “What can I do?”
- Send financial support
- Volunteer time
- Sacrifice in the name of Jesus
Please read this plea from my husband.
This is a good time to announce our 2013 initiative for Daughters of Ruth! Our goal is to raise over the next 3 month committed people and organizations that would be willing to donate a minimum of $10/month. We need $5000/month coming in to effectively run this ministry. In the last year we have helped 34 women and 39 children go from homeless and hopeless to housing and hope! 500 people giving $10/month or 50 people giving $100/month or any combination – that’s it!
Maybe you feel inclined to give more, we NEED your financial help to continue this ministry.
PLEASE consider helping us. A minimum of $120 for the whole year – that’s it!I know we can do this. I’m passionate about helping these women and children, knowing that not only are they finding housing and jobs but hearing about Jesus and the Gospel!ONE LAST TIME – PLEASE CONSIDER HELPING THE DAUGHTERS OF RUTH 100% Tax deductible as we are a 501c3 Non-Profit organization.Message me if you are interested or have any questions at all.Thanks and God bless,
Daniel DeGarmo
Treasurer, Daughters of Ruth
Please consider helping today.
Daughters of Ruth
PO BOX 101
Chillicothe, OH 45601
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