I didn’t grow up going to church much. And the church I did go to wasn’t much into kids. My first experience with Vacation Bible School was as a 19 year-old college girl in Kentucky.
I was flabbergasted at the incredible designs, like big whales made out of trash bags for kids to have story time in. I was in awe of the songs and crafts and games and fun. It. Was. Amazing.
So here I am, 20 years later putting on my own VBS. And here I sit with my feet propped up after an exhausting and exhilarating two days. And here’s what God has taught me so far.
Sometimes you just have to ask
There are four apartment complexes within a walking distance from our church building. I have never once gone to minister to those people. This time I did. I hit all the complexes twice with flyers, invites and pick-up times. We’ve had car loads of kids get dropped off and get picked up both nights.
Sometimes I miss opportunities right around the corner
There’s a family around the corner from us who always has a lot of toys in the yard and kids by the road. I’ve commented about them and driven by countless times. Today, after I passed those kids, yet again, something inside me said, TURN AROUND. So I did. I invited the kids to VBS and talked to their mom. She is 1 year clean and was thrilled to have her kids go to VBS tonight. I had her kids for 4 1/2 hours tonight and I get them tomorrow.
Sometimes I need to talk less and do more
I’m a Mommy-Wife-Christian- Blogger. I spend a lot of my time cleaning up poo and dirty dishes. In between refilling baby wipes and the dishwasher, I write. I write. I write. This week I am doing more and writing less. And it feels great.
I needed to be reminded that touching people’s lives face to face is a rush. And bringing children to the master’s feet is my passion.
Sometimes the mess is worth it
If you have ever participated in VBS you know that day #1 survival is critical. Our baby class teachers just barely survived yesterday. There was a whole mess of babies. Babies crying. Babies screaming. Teachers crying. Teachers screaming.
So today I stepped up the crafts and armed them with new flashlights, a wagon and a bowl of “Sea Snakes” aka cold spaghetti. There was spaghetti in their hair, on the floor and on the ceiling. Ok, I’m not sure about the ceiling, but it is entirely probable. But you know what, those babies were happy babies. We are not just having fun. We are building an eternal foundation on Jesus. They are weaving a net that will save them one day. They are learning the joy of the Lord is our strength.
“Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.” – Jesus