Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10
The NASB says “Cease striving.”
In other words, relax.
How come as women that is so hard for us? At work, at home, in marriage, with our kids, with our parents, with our friends? We don’t relax. We worry. We fret. We control.
I am a recovering control freak. I fall off the wagon now and then. I am a work in progress. Here’s what I have learned that my over-control says.
I think I am better.
Really that’s what it is about. I think my way is best. I am the smartest and most strategic of all the humans on the planet. My way is supreme.
I don’t trust other people.
Not only is my way the best, your way will lead to utter destruction. If I let anyone else lay out the kid’s clothes or plan the next church potluck life, as we know it, will end.
I don’t trust God.
Actually, he spoke the world into existence. I’m not so sure he really needs my help. I need to just sit back and let him be supreme and in control. I need to let him be God.
How about you? Will you join me in recovery. Will you give up your worry and fretting. The next time you are over come with the need to control, relax. Don’t do it.