Since half the country is getting doused with Hurrican Bill, half of the children in American on summer break can’t go outside.
That leaves parents and babysitters across the land experiencing their own after effects.
You can’t just sit them in front of the TV. You can’t trust what’s in movies and shows. Your kids end up learning words you never wanted them to know.
Guess what. I have good news. Mickey Matson is here to rescue you.
Of course you can find this at your local Christian bookstore and online. But what’s better? I have one copy to give away.
Here’s the code you must break:
6 15 18 19 15 7 15 4 12 15 22 5 4 20 8 5 23 15 18 12 4
Grab you kids. Decipher the code. The first one to respond in the comments wins.