Whether you are married yet or not pornography will hurt you. We’ve heard the laundry lists of excuses given.
- It spices up our marriage.
- What’s the harm in looking?
- Men need an outlet.
- What’s it hurt?
- It’s not like cheating.
But listen to this:
I am no biblical scholar, but that pretty well has pornography and masturbation covered. If Jesus says a better option for me is to gouge out my eye or cut off my hand than to lust, then lust will hurt. Lust ends in eternal destruction. So will affect my marriage? Unquestionably, YES!
On the flip side, Job’s righteousness and faith were demonstrated in his ability to deny his flesh. “I made a covenant with my eyes not to look with lust at a young woman. For what has God above chosen for us? What is our inheritance from the Almighty on high?”
Pornography leaves men disconnected from their women. It leaves women feeling insecure and unloved. Whether it’s before or during the relationship, porn hurts marriage.
Check out this article, the first in a series on Rise of the Home: Pornography: Removing the Veil & Shining the Light on the Beast.
If you find yourself wanting to get out of your addiction to porn there are people who can help. If you find yourself in a loveless marriage because porn is robbing you of pure love, there is support for you. And no matter how terrifying the beast, there is a God who is more than able to slay him on your behalf.
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