“So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him.” Luke 11:13
I asked my 11 year old to clean her room last night.
Yes, those pictures are midnight snap shots while the little princess of slop was sleeping.
I walked into that room shocked, horrified, frustrated and wondering WHY DOES SHE DO THIS?
Then another thought flooded me. I bet my Father thinks the same about me. I bet he looks at some of my messes with shock, horror, frustration and wondering WHY DOES SHE DO THIS?
But did you notice that last shot? Look at the picture on the wall.
Even with all her slovenly ways I love that girl like mad. I love to see her smile when she runs out after school. I love when she jumps in my bed. I love when she eats new food and savors every bite. I love the way she loves.
That messy room… well… it’s just a room.
You know, I make a lot of messes, except my messes are life messes, hurtful messes and hard-to-undo messes.
I sit in my messes believing that God won’t love me where I am. I believe he won’t love me in my mess.
Here’s the thing, if I am capable of loving my daughter in spite of her mess, I’m pretty sure the author of love has got me beat.
So when you think that your mess makes you unlovable, think again.