“One day soon afterward Jesus went up on a mountain to pray, and he prayed to God all night.” Luke 6:12
Well, we’ve been out-of-town for the past eight days. I had big plans to keep writing while we were gone. However, it seemed God had other plans. For five days we stayed with friends in Canada who had no internet.. Then we stayed in an Ohio state park for three days that had no Wi-Fi. So, I accepted my unplanned disconnection and did a lot of reading, relaxing, visiting, self-reflecting… and playing with kids.
You know, I am thankful that God appointed the time for me. I think too often I am connected to my cell phone and computer. I feel like I have to be in constant communication with the world. But really my only “need” for connection is with God. I’m not sure why I forget that so often.
I guess most of us do. We work our eight plus hours a day. We read our books. We watch our TV shows. We go to our hang-out spots. We busy ourselves with a lot of things, good things, that distract us from connecting to the source of all peace.
It’s not coincidence that Jesus included a get-a-way with his Father just before choosing the apostles. Jesus disconnected. He spent time in creation. He prayed all night to his Father. If JESUS made time for that shouldn’t we?
Maybe you don’t have a week available to take off somewhere. That’s ok. Take an afternoon or an early morning to just go disconnect and be with God. It’s ok to turn off your phone, your Facebook and even your kids for a moment to feel the presence of God uplift you, encourage you, and strengthen your spirit for your missions ahead. You’ll be glad you did.
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