And he said to her, “Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace. Your suffering is over.” Mark 5:34
I have suffered. I suffered when I was a teenage girl full of angst and anger. I suffered when I searched in empty places to find love. I suffered in a marriage that I thought was going to fill me but still left me empty.
No suffering compared to letting Azaiah go. I was haunted by his cry. I ached when I bound my breast to dry milk from a baby who would never nurse again. Death hung over me like a dark cloud. I smelled death. The emptiness that I felt before was eclipsed by the greatest void to ever that ever swallow my heart.
And yet, here I am.
I have found joy again. I have found peace again. I laugh again. I sing. I dance. I have fun again. I live again.
I hear you say, “Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace. Your suffering is over.”
How can I say thank you for that? How do I show my gratitude for the balm you have salved my soul with?
Jesus you are everything to me.
I will give you all I know to give, everything in me.
previous post: I Am He