We are headed out for a Christmas Adventure! Have fun making memories of your own this week. – Serena
Everyone gives you the best-of version of their family in those yearly newsletters that they send out.
Not us.
This is Merry Christmas from the DeGarmos: Uncensored
We started the year marking the 1 year Heavenly Birthday of our Azaiah on January 4th. Serena was able to share her story of pain and survival with about 75 women from our community at a ladies event on that day.
It was a year of healing.
It was a year filled with new life.
It was a year to be us.
Daddy celebrated Daughter’s Day with his five lovely, always smiling daughters.
Ellie won a poetry contest for a poem about Azaiah.
Serena made this face at Daniel 1397 times this year.
Daddy took Kiki and Addie to Build-a-Bear. Kiki named her’s Fluffy. The sales lady panicked when Addie wanted to name her camo bear Darkness.
Addie took safety very seriously.
Addie did this.
Jada went to jail.
We said good-bye to an old friend.
Kiki learned to write.
Tiah joined the fight for Narnia.
Kaydan survived his first year as a teenager. Barely.
We celebrated Azaiah 2nd birthday with 100 of our closest friends and support team.
And here we are about to close out the year in typical DeGarmo style. With a bang.
Yes, that was in our garage. Yes my husband uncovered it from a storage unit he purchased. And yes, we lived to tell about it.
To God be the glory. Bring it on 2015!