I tell you the truth: whoever believes in Me will be able to do what I have done, but they will do even greater things, because I will return to be with the Father. John 14:12
Serena, I know you believe in me. You have believed in me since you were a girl. Your faith has grown in such marvelous ways. I love watching how the Spirit has transformed you.
I love you and I know you love me, but I want you to understand something. I came to earth. I was born through my mother Mary. I was raised in the earthly town of Nazareth. I did that so I could begin a ministry. That ministry was to save a dying generation who was captured by the wicked one. My birth, my life and my ministry was purposed to save these people.
Father anointed me with power of the Holy Spirit to heal sickness, disease and to perform miracles in my power over the natural world.
I remember the first time I healed someone. I had just started my work in the town of Cana. A father came to me terrified for his son’s life. The worry and fear in that father broke my heart. I was so anxious to heal his son I didn’t even let him finish his sentence. I smiled at him and simply said, “Your son lives!” The joy and expectation in that moment was all about glorifying Father.
As much as I loved healing the sick and calming the seas, the most powerful gift Father gave me was the authority to forgive sins. That is the real and true purpose of my ministry. The miracles were just a way to build trust and faith so that I could forgive. Forgiveness through mercy and grace is the way I saved those dying, captive people. That is the way I snatched them away from Satan.
Father was so determined to save more. He wanted to save every one. That is why he asked me to die. My blood is the price the forgiveness.
He wanted that forgiveness to spread throughout the world. I was just one man. I was limited by humanity. That is why Father planted more seeds. You know, the death of the seed is required to bear more fruit.
Do you see now? That fruit is you.
I had to leave so that greater things could be done through you.
The Liar will tell you that you cannot do greater things. He will tell you that you can’t do good things. He will tell you that you have nothing to offer to the lost and dying world. Remember, those are lies.
My truth, the truth, is you believe in me and you can do what I did and more. That is the truth. Live that truth.
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