I believe that the Bible is the infallible word of an infallible God.
I believe that this infallible, eternal God created the world I see and the world I do not see.
I believe that this architect of the universe is a power to be reckoned with.
I believe that he, in his wisdom and power, created me with a purpose greater than my self.
I believe that purpose is greater than my comfort, desires or personal pleasure.
I believe that purpose is greater than a political party, social movement or religious affiliation.
I believe my purpose, in this temporal world, carries eternal weight.
I believe that I find that purpose in the life and teachings of a man named Jesus, who died and came alive again.
I believe that Jesus loved me through my rebellion and rejection of my purpose.
I believe that Jesus came to me in my brokenness and said, “Come to me oh weary one, and I will give you rest.”
I believe that when I came, believed and obeyed he gave me new life and restored my purpose.
I believe that my purpose is to love without limits, shine in darkness and point other wanderers home.
I believe there is one way, one truth and one life- Jesus.
I am a Christian.
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