You’ve seen her on the playground. That mom who nervously flutters around her toddler when he is trying to climb the ladder to the kiddie slide. You have seen her at school reciting a list to the teacher of all the things that make her child unhappy with appropriate responses. You’ve seen her in the fast food line changing her order three times to make sure the kid gets exactly what he wants.
Yes, you have seen her, but there is something bigger here.
What if she is you?
And what’s the big deal if it is?
Think about this. The bible says:
“Train up a child” (Prov. 22:6).
Have you ever wondered what you are training your kids for? I would say we are training them for life. A life that is full of excitement, responsibility, choices, disappointment and terrible things.
While we still have our children under our protection we have to train them for life. That training happens while they are actually living it.
We can’t do everything for them. We can’t prevent every stumble, every broken bone or broken heart. Sometimes our kids are trained in the fire.
Isn’t that the way God is with us? He doesn’t prevent our slips. He helps us up and shows us how to use them.
“You shall teach them to your sons” (Deut. 11:19).
We are charged with a really serious job to teach our kids what God expects.
God expects holiness. When our children have unholy behavior we have to teach them the truth about what glorifies God. When teaching, as in the verbal kind, isn’t enough we have to discipline. In those moments, discipline becomes the teacher.
The rod and reproof give wisdom, but a child who gets his own way brings shame to his mother. Prov. 29:15
Honor your father and mother” (this is the first commandment with a promise), “that it may go well with you and that you may live long in the land” (Eph. 6:2-3).
Training and teaching our kids to honor us is really big deal to God. We can’t teach them to honor us if we put ourselves in a servant position to them. God has put you in a position of authority and respect. Claim it.
So the next time you feel the urge to cut up little Johnnie’s dinner until it is in microscopic portions or refuse to let him play in the mud, with sticks and jump off of tall buildings, remember you are training him for real life.
And the next time little Susie throws a tempter tantrum because she didn’t get the right toy in her happy meal, remember you are teaching her how to behave in holy ways.
And when you are tempted to let your child defy you, insult you or make demands of you, remember God has give you your seat of honor. He has commanded our children to honor you and he bless them for it when they do.