“At last!” the man exclaimed.
“This one is bone from bones and flesh from my flesh! She will be called woman because she was taken from man.”
So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Then God blessed them and said, “Be fruitful and multiply.”
Now the man and his wife were both naked, but they felt no shame.
Now Adam had sexual relations with his wife, Eve, and she became pregnant. (from Genesis 1-4)
OK, so maybe your sex life won’t end world hunger or create world peace, but if godly women embrace God-created, God-centered, out-of-this-world sex *in marriage* we can have a far greater impact than one feel-good moment.
Right from the comfort of our very own bed God says we are building a stronger marriage, family and church.
1. Marriage
The Old Testament description for sex is often translated “to know.” That’s no accident. Sex helps us know each other. Sex builds intimacy in marriage like nothing else can. In the garden it was called a one-flesh relationship. Good sex builds a good marriage.
Cover me with kisses,for your love is better than wine…
Take me with you. Let’s run away. Princess, your feet are beautiful in those sandals.
The curves of your thighs are like jewelry made by an artist… You are tall as tall as a palm tree.
And your breasts are like the clusters of fruit on that tree.
I would love to climb that tree and take hold of its branches. (from SoS 1 & 7)
Solomon reads more like a romance novel while Paul’s letter to the Corinthian church more like the 10 Commandments:
- Each man should enjoy his own wife.
- Each woman should enjoy her own husband.
- Don’t refuse to give your bodies to each other.
Good sex. Do it.
2. Family
God wants husbands and wives to become one body and one spirit. Why? So that they would have holy children and protect that spiritual unity. (Mal. 2:15)Good sex will save your family. That verse rocks my world. Good sex makes holy children and protects spiritual unity! So it’s basically a win win situation!
Our kids need to see parents that are passionate about each other and passionate about God’s design for sexuality. God will be in it and blessing us through it.
3. Church
Stay with me on this one. Good sex will build a stronger church.
“I don’t want to believe what I am hearing—that there is sexual sin among you. And it is such a bad kind of sexual sin that even those who have never known God don’t allow it… You know the saying, ‘Just a little yeast makes the whole batch of dough rise.’ I wrote to you in my letter that you should not associate with people who sin sexually. But I did not mean the people of this world. You would have to leave the world to get away from all the people who sin sexually… I meant you must not associate with people who claim to be believers but continue to live in sin. Don’t even eat with a brother or sister who sins sexually… Then turn this man over to Satan. His sinful self has to be destroyed so that his spirit will be saved on the day when the Lord comes again. (from 1 Cor. 5)You might think your church is better than Corinth. It is not. Sin among God’s people is rampant. We have sexual sin in our churches. From affairs to porn addictions we’ve got it. And it is destroying souls and removing the blessings from the whole body (Rev. 2:19-21).
Paul tells these people how to prevent this mess. Have good sex.
But sexual sin is a danger, so each man should enjoy his own wife, and each woman should enjoy her own husband… But you might both agree to stay away from sex for a while so that you can give your time to prayer. Then come together again so that Satan will not be able to tempt you in your weakness (1 Cor 7:2, 5).God has put parameters on our sexuality. Stepping outside those parameters means spiritual decay and eventually death. Putting sex back where it belongs will purify the people and the church and God will bless us for it. And the great thing is, when we stay in those parameters not only does it help prevent sin, the sex is better!
Marriage should be honored by everyone. And every marriage should be kept pure between husband and wife. God will judge guilty those who commit sexual sins and adultery (Heb. 13:4). Now, about sex and marriage: Drink only the water that comes from your own well, and don’t let your water flow out into the streets. Keep it for yourself, and don’t share it with strangers. Be happy with your own wife. Enjoy the woman you married while you were young. She is like a beautiful deer, a lovely fawn. Let her breasts satisfy you completely. Stay drunk on her love, and don’t go stumbling into the arms of another woman (Prov. 5:15-20).You might be reading this and cringing because the sex isn’t good in your marriage. Maybe you don’t feel safe to give yourself to your husband. Tomorrow we’re going to talk about the things that prevent good sex. (5 Obstacles to Phenomenal Sex.) For today I will leave you with this:
“My lover took me to the wine house; his intent toward me was love.” – Solomon’s Lover