By the second day of solitude I found God was my constant companion and the conversation between us flowed easily. But waking up on the third day I started becoming a little edgy. The lack of communication and connection to the outside world brought on “withdraws.” I was only half way to the finish line so I knew I had to get a grip and refocus. Which led me to this – I need to seek Him.
As the pregnant woman approaches the time to give birth, She writhes and cries out in her labor pains, Thus were we before You, O LORD. – Is 26:17
I’ve been in labor and about to give birth. I have writhed and cried with labor pains. But I don’t think I have ever sought the Lord with such intensity. Seeking God shouldn’t be on an “as needed” basis. It shouldn’t come when I have extra time. It better not be reserved for monastery visits. Seeking God with fierceness should be my daily call.
Have you ever lost your wallet, or your keys at the mall? Have you ever lost a child? In those situation what would deter you from the hunt? A phone call to chat? How about household duties? Seriously, would mundane things seem that important to finding your child, or even your wallet or keys.
How how important is seeking God over your busy schedule, kid’s sporting events, or recreation? There are a lot of amoral activities that the devil is using right now to keep you from seeking your Savior with full-force. Does it matter to you? Will you resist the truth in that? Maybe you will accept the truth but make excuses why nothing can be taken off your “to do” list. I pray not, because let me tell you, those hindrances will mean nothing in eternity.