With the ending of Roe v. Wade in 2022, states must now decided the legality of abortion. We must decide if the government should restrict or defend abortion. We must decide if it is an individual choice or a collective call to end unjustified, mass killings of society’s voiceless.
While I still believe this atrocity should be banned, barred and locked away, in the past year my position has shifted. I am still a wild advocate for babies. I still believe life is sacred. I still believe a society who permits the murder of its weakest members is forsaking the most rudimentary human rights.
But rather than taking this fight to legislation, I am convinced and convicted that this battle must go to different ground. We must engage with the hearts of mothers, fathers, nurses and doctors. We must engage the circumstances that make women feel like they have no choice. We must engage fathers who take no responsibility. We must engage health care providers who abandon the call to “do no harm.”
I am inspired by two midwives who lived 4000 years ago in very hostile territory. These women let the government do what they would yet they bowed before the Great I AM.
The Egyptian government didn’t just permit the murder of babies, they demanded the death of Hebrew babies. There is a whole lot insight here into the means of population control, slave control and oppression, but that’s a conversation for a different time. The response of Shiphrah and Puah is what impacts me. They defied the most powerful leader in the world, to save babies.
Even when our governing authorities permit abortion and infanticide or whether they demand it, our high calling in Jesus Christ is life. We should vote life but more we must speak life, support life and guide mothers, fathers, nurses and doctors to choose life.
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. John 10:10
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