May the Lord bless you with the security of… marriage. Ruth 1:9
To my husband:
Today we celebrate 15 years of not always wedded bliss. What a ride it has been. We have changed careers, lived in another country, traveled abroad, planted a church, bought a house, had six kids, nearly lost it all and watched God rebuilt it better than we could have imagined.
On the journey there have been days I thought you would leave. There have been days that I wanted to leave. And I know there have been days that we stayed, not because we were so in love, but because our commitment to marriage was stronger than our disappointments and frustration. And through it all there has been a force bigger than ourselves pulling for us.
As I reflect on the past 15 years, today I just want to say thank you. Thank you for staying. Thank you for accepting me with my faults and flaws. Thank you for giving me a safe place to fall. Thank you for loving me, even when you see the darkest parts of me. Thank you for proving to me that I am worth the effort to fight for. Thank you for facing your demons to save me from mine. Thank you for letting God redeem me through you.
We had no idea what we were getting into, but one thing I know, I would do it again. “I still do.”
Give honor to marriage, and remain faithful to one another in marriage. Heb. 13:4