Fathers…I can’t imagine any of you would appreciate a “peeping Tom” who was spying on your daughter in her bra and underwear. Think about that before you let her walk out the door on these hot summer days with next to nothing covering her body. You have been called by God to protect her spirit… that begins by protecting her body. #manup
Fathers… bring them up with the discipline and instruction that comes from the Lord. Eph. 6:4
My husband posted that as his Facebook status yesterday and it exploded. It got me thinking why did this topic evoke so much passion almost immediately?
I think it’s because we need it desperately and, at large, we aren’t getting it. The more it’s lacking the more we crave it. We need men to man up. We need fathers to man up. We need their strength. Their daughters need their strength. Their daughters need their protection.
Without it, our daughters are falling prey to others and to their own misguided lust.
Consider this:
- 46 % of all high school girls are having sex
- 59% of sexually active teen girls said their first encounter was with a boy 1-3 years their senior.
- 75% said their first time was with a steady boyfriend
Now consider this warning from Jesus:
But if you cause one of these little ones who trusts in me to fall into sin, it would be better for you to be thrown into the sea with a large millstone hung around your neck. Mark 9:42
Fathers, please keep your daughters from falling into sin. Please fortify their hearts by protecting their bodies.
Mother’s please don’t tell your husband’s that they are old-fashioned, archaic or over reacting. Please don’t misdirect your own aching to be desirable into your underage, unmarried daughter.
Daughters, please honor your father. Elevate him to his rightful place as your protector.
Heavenly Father, please help us to honor you through the children we present to you, holy children of you, our God.
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