Since 1990, the percentage of unchurched adults in America has risen from 30% to 43% of the population. -Barna Group
I think we “churched” in America see these stats and gasp with shock and horror as we mutter how our country is going to hell in a hand basket.
But what if these stats don’t represent such a dismal future? What if these stats actually represent an advantage to us? What if these stats are an invitation to actually share Jesus and not the dogma of a man-made tradition? What if we see these stats and are set on fire to introduce this population to the one who calms seas, heals disease and forgives sins instead of inviting them to church?
Today I want to see these numbers as a personal challenge. I want to see these numbers as my invitation to find the unchurched and fight my urge to church them.
My mission is simply to introduce them to the source of all goodness, forgiveness and second chances. My mission is to introduce them to my Jesus.
Religious tradition is out of the way.
We don’t have to worry about those conversations that we try to get to the biblical Jesus being derailed by our beliefs about predestination, faith and works or the depravity of man. The unchurched don’t know and don’t care about doctrinal intricacies.
The generation that sees their way isn’t working.
We have lived the consequences of the sexual revolution, the destruction of family and the me generation. More and more people are waking up to the reality. It isn’t working.
Read this beautiful, brave woman’s heart: Dear Gay Community Your Kids are Hurting by Heather Barwick
They know they don’t have Jesus.
Too many churched people are living under the delusion that they know Jesus, even if the fruits of their lives aren’t proving it (Matthew 7:16). Convincing them that they need Jesus when they think they have him is a vain battle most of the time. The unchurched know they know they don’t have Jesus. Some have been proud that they don’t have Jesus. No convincing has to be done. Just introductions to the Savior.
After that generation died, another generation grew up who did not acknowledge the Lord or remember the mighty things he had done for Israel… They abandoned the Lord, the God of their ancestors… Then the Lord raised up judges to rescue the Israelites… For the Lord took pity on his people, who were burdened by oppression and suffering. (Read all of Judges 2 here.)
We are living in that time. We are living in a time that the generation does not acknowledge the Lord or remember the mighty things he has done. They have abandoned the Lord. But that isn’t the end of the story. That Lord is raising up judges among us to rescue them. The Lord is sending you.
Rescue the oppressed. Rescue the suffering. Rescue the unchurched.