The one marrying you is the one who made you— the Lord of heavenly forces is his name. The one redeeming you is the holy one of Israel, the one called the God of all the earth. Is. 54:5
Good Morning Lord,
As I laid in bed this morning I had so many thoughts swirling. I rested on one, I need to remember why I love you. Not why I serve you or submit to you, just why I love you. I don’t ever want to be like those Christians you grieved over wondering why their love for you had waned.
So here it is. This is why I love you.
I love you because when I was a lonely little girl you came to me. When I was scared at night you visited me. You heard the prayers of a little girl who didn’t know much about you, but she was all about loving you. You stroked my hair and whispered me to sleep.
I love you because when I was a teenage rebel you fought for me. You saw the enemy swallowing me and you fought back. Even though my rebellion broke your heart, you fought for me. And you came to me when I had isolated myself from everyone who loved me. I was so unlovable, but You came and held me there as I cried. You reassured me that everything was going to be alright.
I love you because when I thought I had to get married to find love you were patient with me. I was running from your love. But you keep offering it over and over. I finally saw that it was you loving me through my husband. The intimacy and satisfaction that you offer fills me.
I love you because you wake me the sunrise in my darkest moments. Sometimes the warm sun on my skin melts my anxiety and revives my soul.
I love you because you picked me up and carried me through the valley of death. It hurt so much. You know that. But you gave me glimpses of your world. You showed me that my son was alright. You showed me that I was alright too.
I love you because you lavish me with your mercy and cleanse me with your grace over and over.
I love you because when I forget to tell you I love you don’t leave me. You stay when I get distracted with things that are so much less than you.
If I ever forget to make everything I do about you, please remind me. You have such a gentle way with me. Thank you for that.
Today, I love you. And I am ready to receive your love. Please come and speak tenderly to me. Today I offering my love back to you. I will say it over and over. I love you Jesus.
And I swear when that day comes, she’ll call Me “my husband” and never address Me again as “my master.” Hosea 2:16