Dear Complaining Mom,
You may not realize you are complaining, but you are. Every time you moan of sleepless nights and how much “me time” you aren’t getting. Every time you broadcast how your baby cries all night and your toddler won’t go to bed. Every time you whine about how your teenager drives you crazy. You are complaining.
When you grumble about your extra weight and stretch marks, you are complaining. When you go on and on about how your clothes don’t fit or how ugly you feel, you are complaining.
When you gripe about how you live in your car because of too many trips to doctors appointments, soccer games and dance rehearsals. You are complaining.
Some days it seems like hating motherhood is your mantra. Some days your words drip with contempt for these little people you chose to bring into the world. Some days I wonder why you decided to have children. I mean, what did you think it was going to be like?
Motherhood is hard. It is demanding. It requires self-sacrifice 24 hours a day. You will lose sleep, clean up a lot of vomit, cook a lot of food and clean up a never-ending mess. You will be tired. You will be unappreciated most of the time.
But please do not complain. Please do not begrudge your duties. Please do not wish your children away. Please cherish every waking moment, every sleepy moment and every chaotic, “What am I going to do?” moment.
Those of who have buried our children find your bitterness toward motherhood like acid to our spirit.Those of us who have longed to carry a child full term would love to have your stretch marks. Those of us who have buried an infant ache for sleepless nights with a baby that cries no more. Those of us who said good-bye to playful children yearn to clean up their cereal spills and wipe their noses. Those of us who have watched our teenager die would take every inconvenience they afford just for one more day.
So please. Stop complaining.
Grieving Moms Everywhere
Do everything without complaining. Phil. 2:14