I was a stay-at-home mom for 14 years. I had the occasional gig teaching but nothing that demanded too much time.
Then I became a business owner.
On February 17, 2015 I closed on a property that would become Captivating Salon & Boutique.
We opened on April 14. We had a Grand Opening on May 30. We now have 10 women working in our little shop and business is growing every day.
In those few months I have become versed in everything from writing a business plan to PR. On an average I give the shop 40-50 hours a week, including time on the floor and the after hours work.
Now how does this work for this family of 8.
Very carefully.
If you are a mom who is juggling the home/work balance too here’s what I’m learning.
I have to intentionally give myself to my children.
I am the owner and operator of a growing business. It is as demanding as having a newborn to look after but the difference is… it’s not. Children come first, especially the ones I gave birth too.
I used to just be there. Now I have to purpose to be there.
I make my schedule around their needs. I have a playroom in my shop. I try to make them each part of the business. They help me clean, decorate, pick out merchandise and wait on customers.
Whatever your job is don’t let it rob you of your children.
I have to intentionally give myself to my husband.
I think there have been a few times in this journey he probably felt like I was having an affair with this business.
Because I love what I am doing it is really easy for me to get lost in it. I find my work very therapeutic and can spend hours indulging in all things shop related.
But just like my ministering husband has to stack me in priority pile, I have to do the same for him.
I have to intentionally give myself to my church.
Part of being a stay-at-home mom meant that I was available to teach any class, visit any sick or cook any meal. When I started, I made a pledge that I would not let the business take me away from the church. If the old me I would have given it to the church then the new me must as well.
I will not miss a service. I will not pass on teaching a class. I will not be too busy for bible studies, gatherings or fellowship meals. My church needs me and I need them.
I have to intentionally give myself to God.
A couple of weeks ago I felt like I was drowning in responsibilities. I was stretched thin and being pulled thinner.
I realized I had lost focus on my personal prayer and worship time. I started this mission devoted to prayer. Somewhere along the way I drifted. I suffered.
I have a 20 minute drive to work. I like to spend that time meditating, singing, praying or just getting a spiritual focus for the day. At the end of the day when I am washing dishes I like to listen to worship music or sermons. When I go to sleep I like to listen to the bible.
I like to but the truth is I don’t do that stuff everyday. I need to. I need to make sure that I invite God to order my day. I need give him control of my vision, my direction and my choices. I need to submit each of my roles to authority of my king. Then at the close of the day I can say:
I have brought you glory on earth by finishing the work you gave me to do. John 17:4
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