We might be the handshaking, cupcake baking, card sending type, but behind the smile, there is a real woman. That real woman has real hurts, real fears, real doubts and real battles.
This is what you need to know about her.
I want to love you. Please don’t make it harder.
I want to love you, all of you. I even want to love those of you who disagree with my husband. But sometimes you make that hard. You make it hard when you gossip about him, when you believe the gossip about him and when you refuse to go to bat for him.
I wish you saw the man I see.
I see the man he is. He is full of flaws. I of all people know. But I also see the man who dedicated his life to serving others. I see the man who sacrificed personal goals, financial security and a 401k to serve the body of Christ. I see the man who would rather get food stamps than further burden churches. I see the man who answers calls at all hours of the night, leaves for midnight baptisms and patches marriages back together with painstaking care. I see a man who is devoted to Jesus. I wish you saw that too.
I am ready to fight.
My heart breaks. But I am not broken for my own hurts. I am broken for hurts to my husband. Please consider how hard it is for me to bear brunt of spiritual attacks day after day. Please consider the frailty of my spirit. I am girded to fight. I just don’t want it to be with you.
It is often unbearable to have our every word and action affect our financial security.
Please allow my personal life, so long as it is holy, remain personal. Please don’t judge me by my opinions and preferences. Only judge me by the Word of God.
Sometimes he needs a friend.
Please give him an ear when he needs it. Please give him a shoulder when he needs it. Please hold his confidence when he trusts you. He needs that. I need that.
I just want to love the Lord.
I just want to use the talents that he has given me to make an eternal difference in this world. I want to make every minute count for Jesus. Please let me.
See also: When Ministry Kills Your Faith