Since the devastating tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary school, many of us are searching for ways to make sense of it. Even those of us who are far away still grapple with the reasons why to our personal responsibility to that community. No matter the distance that separates us from Newtown, Connecticut, we still connect with suffering humanity. We want to make a difference somehow.
I remember after 9/11 I scurried around my community trying to find something to do. Something to make a difference. I called prayer groups together and just wanted to be connected to my community.
And as I read about Sandy Hook Elementary, I am compelled to pray for our schools and our children and the hurting souls that see these acts of violence as their only way out.
Others are searching for their way connect. And some are finding it. Just a few moments ago I read this from a friends Facebook status:
Between now and Christmas I am going to pay it forward with one act of kindness for each of the 26 victims of this unspeakable tragedy. I ask you to join me in sharing our love for mankind.
That is an amazing tribute to honor each life that ended that day. That is an amazing way for us to touch lives around us with the hand of the Healer. That is an amazing way to extend the saving grace of the only one who can truly save.
I have been the Lord your God…. You must acknowledge no God but me, for there is no other savior. Hosea 13:4
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