I have this friend… more like a far away, kindred spirit, who is an amazing writer. She has numerous award-winning books, two of which my husband’s company published. She shared piece on her blog I feel compelled to share with you. It’s not just well-written. It has the hand of God in it. Read and be prepared to pray! – Serena
Okay, I just did something a bit nutty, perhaps it might be considered “stalking.” But I wasn’t exactly stalking anyone, just a house. I asked God to lead me to this house because I didn’t have the address, and I wasn’t sure if I’d recognize it when/if I did find it.
Here’s what happened:
Last Saturday, I went to two “open houses” with my second oldest daughter. You see, the RICH neighborhood across the big street from us was having open houses! A chance to see one of those gigantic mansions! Why pass up an opportunity?
So, as we were touring the second mansion (and to be honest, I’ve talked often with family about the idea of moving into a large house that would house all of us–aunts, uncles, grandparents, etc–so, I was looking to see if any one of those houses would actually be suitable for that kind of living–umm, nope). Anyway . . . back to the second mansion (okay, just learned these were “big houses” not mansions). We entered the front doors. Right before us were vaulted ceilings, a grand staircase to the right, and towering windows with curtains from the ceiling to the floor presided at the head of a long dining room table. It was awesome!
As we walked through the dining room, two ginormous pictures of a boy in a tuxedo and a girl in a wedding dress were on display. And throughout the entire house we would encounter clusters of toys, paperwork, and games stashed in nooks and cranny’s, giving the home a “lived in” feeling, despite its grandeur. Up the grand staircase were sayings on the walls such as “happily ever after” and other forms of “home sweet home” in modern, scripted letter-style, and different pictures of three children floating down a hall, and pictures of Mom and Dad in wedding photos and other photos of joyous times together. In the master bedroom, a sign above the bed read something like: a kiss before goodnight, with pictures of this couple on either side. As we walked through the smaller bedrooms, one was in blue for a boy, another neatly-kempt room was for a girl, and then the last bedroom was clearly for the youngest girl where she left some of her clothes and toys piled on her bed…
Finish reading at Dare to Dream, A God Thing… It is well worth it!