Teen Girls.
I was one.
I have one.
I have four more waiting in the wings.
I know one thing about teen girls. They are in a tumultuous season of life. Being caught in the vortex of not a little girl, not yet a woman definitely has Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde qualities.
The separation from our mothers begins. Our need for independence grows. Our own identify forms. And so do feelings for boys. Boy drama brings girl drama. Add academic pressure and exhaustion from sports and extra curriculars and you have a hormonal vat of TNT on your hands.
I know something else. My daughter needs a compass. She needs navigated through this storm. She needs the bible. She needs to read it for herself. She needs it to:
Tell her her purpose.
The world will tell her to follow her dreams and be whatever she wants to be. Teachers will tell her prepare for college. Church will tell her to prepare for marriage. But God says prepare to be a vessel for him.
God says woman bears his image. God says he created woman to be an ezer kenegdo (Genesis 2:18). He created us to be the “sustainer beside him.” God himself filled that role for Israel in their deepest, darkest despair. (Read verses about ezer here.)
That’s the purpose of woman. We nurture the young. We care of the old. We nurse the sick. We bring light to darkness. We are life-givers, hope-bearers and sustainers beside.
No one tells us that except the Good Book.
Give her boundaries.
The only place that she will learn the boundaries of her heart and body is in the Word. She sees grown woman being promiscuous with their hearts and bodies. God says guard it.
Guard your heart for out of it flows the well spring of life. Prov. 4:23
Show her the kind of man to look for.
Girls are settling more and more for less and less of a man. The Bible says real men work, sweat, provide and protect. Real men value their women above all else.
Show her the kind of woman to be.
Women get labeled by our emotions. God’s women transcend the labels of the world. God’s women aren’t high maintence, divas. They aren’t sloppy, frumpy dumps. They aren’t hags, nags or old bags. God’s women are steady, strong and true to the bishop of their soul.
Tell her the story.
One of my favorite scenes in Prince Caspian is when the young prince, who is unaware of his true identity or fate, is secretly schooled by his tutor. Under the guise of storytelling, the tutor instilled the boys history into his heart to shape his future.
Our girls must understand their history too, the history found in the sacred annuals. They were born to a fallen race, doomed to die. But their Father sent his only Son on the rescue mission of all rescue missions. He defeated their enemy forever. But he cannot force them into his victory or protection. They have to choose it.
Meet Jesus
The name of that son is Jesus. He came to earth. He loved. He taught. He died. He swallowed death so you may live. He loves you more than you can dream. He will give you more than you can imagine.
See grace
Dear daughters, Jesus doesn’t expect perfection. You don’t have to look perfect, act perfect or be perfect. He simply asks you to accept his perfect atonement. That is grace sweet girl.
For a chance to win a free copy of this bible for your favorite teen girl
Email me at awordywoman@gmail.com with one sentence why you want this bible.
A winner will be selected on Wednesday, October 21!
“I love this Bible because it’s pretty.” Ellie, age 12
“It’s easy to understand. I don’t have to be in church to read it. I can learn lessons from the devo by myself. I can speak with the Lord alone.” – Lexi, age 12
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