Never forget they are killing children. The future will look back on us with as much dismay as we on Christian slave traders. -John Piper
I will not debate when life begins.
I will not debate the issue of reproductive freedom.
I will not debate legislation.
I will not debate whether mother’s have a right to kill.
I will today declare that women of God have a lot of blood on our hands. We have stood by and watched generation after generation throw mangled bodies of babies into back alley dumpsters. We have stood by and refused to get messy with frightened teenage mothers, victims of sexual assault and women ignorant of their life-giving ability.
My sisters, God-fearing women do this:
Then Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, gave this order to the Hebrew midwives, Shiphrah and Puah: “When you help the Hebrew women as they give birth, watch as they deliver. If the baby is a boy, kill him; if it is a girl, let her live.” But because the midwives feared God, they refused to obey the king’s orders. They allowed the boys to live, too. Ex. 1:15-17
You might be right with me. But you are like me and sitting there feeling helpless in your passion to save babies and mommies.
I don’t think this battle is effectively fought in Washington or with protest signs at abortion clinics. Those Hebrew midwives didn’t get into an ideological debate with Pharaoh. They didn’t rally his court or mobilize his political adversaries. They just saved babies. They saved babies because they were with their mothers in the heat of the real battle for life.
Let me tell you, if every church Mom in America mobilized in 5 simple ways, we will start a revolution. We will be remembered like the Hebrew midwives who had enough grit to defy the most powerful man in the world to save babies.
Beseech the Most High. Pray for our nation. Pray for your community. Pray for sexual active girls who shouldn’t be. Pray for those girls whose world fell apart with a positive pregnancy test. Pray for newly conceived babies in the womb. Pray that God will use you to stand in the gap for them. Pray.
Maybe if more of us experienced mothers quit talking about our kids like they were the kiss of death, an unexpected pregnancy wouldn’t seem so bad. Raising kids is stinking hard. But the truth is kids rock.
This morning my messy 3-year old said a mouthful, literally. I couldn’t understand a world of her soliloquy because her mouth was full of Frosted Mini-wheats, but the way her eyes sparkled filled me with a breathtaking moment of joy. She is worth every mess I have to clean up, every moment of sleep I have sacrificed and every moment of frustration to corral her in the right direction. She is breathtaking. She is amazing.
Moms, let’s transform the way the world things of kids. Let’s tell the truth. They are amazing.
I started going to church semi-regularly when I was 14. By the time I was 16 1/2 I gave my life to Christ and went to every service, bible study and devo I could get to. No one in church ever told me not to have sex. No one ever told me how to get out of those situations that lead to sex. No one ever told me if you do have sex and get pregnant, don’t kill the baby. Oh, I heard a political lesson or two on how Christians should vote pro-life and not support companies that donate to Planned Parenthood. But no one ever made it personal. No one ever told ME what God expected of ME.
Moms, we must have open dialog with our daughters and with other girls in our churches. We need to tell them what God expects all around and walk the steps with them.
Seek out your local pregnancy resource center. In my area it is Elizabeth’s Hope Pregnancy Resource Center. Find ways you can contribute to the mission. Partner with them in prayer, donate needed items or money or give your time as a volunteer.
Many years ago my mom was working as an RN in a prenatal clinic. A scared mother called not sure if she was going to come to the prenatal clinic or go to an abortion clinic. When she arrived at the office a few days later, still pregnant, my mom got her an ultrasound immediately. She was 7 weeks pregnant- with a baby. She had no idea she would see fingers and toes or a beating heart. She said she thought it was a blob.
Moms, we must educate girls and grown women alike. There is a baby in there.
This is what abortion is. Click image for more information.
This is what abortion does. Click image for more information.
Start sharing the blessing that life is today. Share this video with just 10 people. Let the change begin with you.
The Miracle Of Life from worshiphousemedia on GodTube.