Ok Ladies. Life happens right?
You were in love and passionate and had a lot of hot sex when you first got married. But the passion was replaced by routine. Spontaneity was extinguished by children. And after the day you had the bed is calling you for everything but sex.
That was me. That was me just a couple of weeks ago.
Then my husband went out of town.
Great! I’m off the hook right? At least for a week.
Well, while he was gone I decided that this passionless rut I’m in had to change. Marriage and sex aren’t just utilitarian. God designed the marriage in Eden to be steamy. Adam and Eve were na-ked. And they liked it that way.
And that Solomon. Hubba- Hubba! He knew how to get his lady fired up.
Restless in bed and sleepless through the night, I longed for my lover. I wanted him desperately. His absence was painful. So I got up, went out and roved the city, hunting through streets and down alleys. I wanted my lover in the worst way! Song of Solomon 3:1-2 MSG
I think God wants more for my marriage than laying in bed playing 4 Pics 1 Word til I fall asleep. But how do I get there? I am tired. I do have issues. I am on medication. I do have a lot of kids. And there are times my husband is less than desirable. And there are times I feel less than being desired.
I decided to attack it. Here’s my 5 days to better sex.
1. Pray
2. Pray
3. Pray
4. Pray
5. Pray
Seems weird right? Praying about s-e-x. But listen, God invented it. He’s a fan!
For 5 days I prayed for my desire to increase and for my passion for my husband to be rekindled. When he walked in the door I was like a white on rice.
For you there might be real hurts and wounds or real physical issues that you have to give time and attention to. That stuff can’t be ignored. But your prayers will lead you to the place of healing that God has already prepared for you.
So get busy.. well… start praying then get busy!
The marriage bed must be a place of mutuality—the husband seeking to satisfy his wife, the wife seeking to satisfy her husband. Marriage is not a place to “stand up for your rights.” Marriage is a decision to serve the other, whether in bed or out. 1 Cor 7 MSG