I would like for all my grown-up readers to meet someone special to me, Penny Sue.
Penny Sue started as bedtime stories my mother shared with me when she tucked me in at night. Penny Sue came back when I had children to tuck in at night. As my family has grown, so has Penny Sue’s.
Several years ago, the question was posed to me, as a woman, besides children, what would you like to give life to. I said, books, specifically children’s books. I wanted to bring Penny Sue to life. I wanted Penny Sue to get to meet lots of people. I wanted her to travel the world telling stories that need to be told.
And so, just two weeks after experiencing the death of my son, I get to bring life to Penny Sue.
Thank you to my illustrator, Arielle DeMarco for joining me on this journey. We had no idea how important this would be when we started this project. You have made Penny Sue just as beautiful and spunky as she is in my dreams.
This is the first book of my series, Be-Attitude Adventures, based on Jesus’ teachings we call the beatitudes. If you would like to meet Penny Sue just click- Deward.com.
God blesses those whose hearts are pure,
for they will see God. Matt. 5:8